4th Dan and Above : 

Promotion to 4th Dan or Above will be done by the Executive Commitee. However any instructor can recommend anyone they think is worthy of promotion.  The Final Decision will be made by the Executive Commitee.

Grading of 3rd Dans : 

The grading panel must consist of a 5th Dan as the Head of the Panel, and at least two 4th Dans present. (Minimun of 3 on the Panel)

Grading of 2nd Dans : 

4th Dans have the Authority to grade their own students to 2nd Dan, provided they have held the grade of 4th Dan for more than 2 years.

Grading of 1st Dans :  ​

3rd Dans have the right to grade up to and including 1st Dan within their own Club.

2rd Dans : Can grade up to 1st Kyu.

1st Dans : Can grade up to 2nd Kyu.

Honorary Dan grades may be awarded by the Executive Committee. This is reserved for those individuals who have made a significant contribution to the art, to the association, or for activities above and beyond. This is not awarded  purely on the basis of time served.

The B.I.K.O. Dan grading panel sits regularly - ​ To attempt a grade under this body, please complete the Dan Grading Application Form and return to the Administrator,

Fay Hanson. You will then be informed of the next scheduled Dan Grading session.

Please note: All candidates must wear a B.I.K.O Association badge on their Karate-gi.

British Institute


Karate Organisation